The EU Timber Regulation (EUTR), the U.S. Lacey Act, and Australia’s Illegal Logging Prohibition Act (ILPA) require companies to perform due diligence to ensure that the timber they’re buying is of sustainable and legal provenance.
Sweden set a legal precedent in 2016 by prosecuting an importer of teak from Myanmar under the EUTR following an investigation that found the company could not produce adequate chain of custody documentation, including who harvested the timber or where it was cut.
along with TEAKZOOM,
help our business partners to proceed on ''the due diligence'' as follows:
MFCC governs all processes of forest certification to bring enhanced
sustainable forest management to Myanmar": MFCC
-1- Proof of legal company existence in Myanmar with full permits,
-2- Proof of good standing to date on status and activity in Myanmar of Myanmar Peltier Bois.
-3- Proof of purchasing at the public international log MTE tenders,
-4- Proof of delivery of the logs at Teakcell factory location,
-5- Full set of documents MFCC-PEFC on the Myanmar Forest Certification System (MFCS) & Nyanmar Timber Legality System (MTLAS)
TEAKCELL solely manage TEAKCELL production, TEAKCELL sale, and TEAKCELL delivery overseas preferably delivery duty paid or unpaid (DDP/DDU):
-6- Transparency on log outturned of each and every log one by one separately,
-7- Sales via internet on a log by log basis only or on half log basis (at least one side of butt end log per crate)
-8- Teakcell is setting up a robust traceability system for our business partners using blockchains and QR code technology.